Be an example to this world which forgot how to be. The world that forgot to be... well.... we forgot to be ourselves. Everything is labeled, everything is judged accordingly.... Well its time to cut that shit out, stop being scared and start living with no barriers! Let your soul free! Its tired of being held up in a caged box! You are limitless! Be authentic! If somebody is hurt by it, they aren't hurt by you, they are hurt by the fact that they aren't authentic and you are. They are unable to set themselves free, fearful of judgements, stuck in the patterns of this falsified system! People seem to be unable to make decisions for themselves, thats why they give their power away to governments.... and well "presidents"... or shall we better name them PUPPETS! BE THE LIGHT!! Show the people surrounding you that it is okay to be yourself, and live the way in which you believe you should live (whatever that means to YOU). YOU are your own truth! You have the history of your ancestors, your DNA! We are reflections of all that is and ever was! Collectively we create this reality, with every moment we are flowing into new dimensions, and creating a new world with each thought! Flying into the heavens, THE CROWN, you will see all that is real! All of me, is all the stars! All of the stories passed down, lineage to lineage, differentiates who we are! We have lived all the stories before, remember.... We have been manipulated to forget our own power, we let this society create false desire.What are those desires really? The longing of our true selves, of FULLNESS! This world has forgotten LOVE, and we are programmed to remember FEAR first!The fear created is tied up so deep into this reality that its taking us a lot to get out of it, but we are doing it by you remembering YOUR power! I AM YOU..changing the worlds mentality, when i heal you also heal! So heal yourself, and i heal! Together we can all be free. Creating the beautiful world to come with the help of all the guides and light beings! The spirits in the sky, the spirits in the corners of my eye... OUR ANCESTORS, always protecting our journey back to the sacred way of being. Enlighten your vision from within.